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Check And Show Redirect Chain


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In the latest version of the Redirect Chain Checker tool, it allows users to check the not found page and find out where the link is pointing (301 or 302). Redirect Chain Checker will display the HTTP status code and destination URL. You can view affiliate links without clicking on them. We hope that this new tool from cmlabs can make your work easier.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021
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In the latest version of the Redirect Chain Checker tool, it allows users to check the not found page and find out where the link is pointing (301 or 302). Redirect Chain Checker will display the HTTP status code and destination URL. You can view affiliate links without clicking on them. We hope that this new tool from cmlabs can make your work easier.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Redirect Chain Checker

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is Redirect Chain Checker?

The Redirect chain checker tool is a free tool from cmlabs that can help users to check redirect links. The redirect checker will display the HTTP status code and destination URL. The tool checks redirect in-depth, with up to 5 redirect chains.

Redirect chains themselves are redirects of more than one step. The existence of redirect chains is still debated, whether this is dangerous for SEO implementation. However, redirects up to 5 transitions are said to be less dangerous, because search engine robots can still crawl them.

However, the large number of redirects can affect user comfort while browsing your site. Therefore, do periodic checks on the redirect link and immediately fix the issue.

Redirect Chain Checker Features

Although it is available for free, the redirect checker offers several excellent features that can help make the redirect checking process easier. Here are the features included in this tool:

User-Agent Choices

To perform a redirect URL check, the redirect checker has a number of user agents that the user can choose from. A user agent is a type of bot from the search engine you choose to check for the link. Here are some user agents in the cmlabs redirect checker tool:

  • All (you can select this option to check using all bots)
  • NinjaBot
  • GoogleBot
  • Googlebot-Mobile
  • Googlebot-image
  • Mediapartners-Google
  • Adsbot-Google
  • Bingbot
  • Slurp
  • msnbot
  • msnbot-media
  • Theoma
  • Gigabot
  • Robozilla
  • Yahoo-mmcrawler
  • and much more.

Easy to use

Using a redirect checker is very easy. Users only need to enter the URL to be checked, then click "Check URL" and wait a few moments for our robot to display the results of the inspection.

This tool is designed with the user in mind. The information displayed is also very easy to understand and with comprehensive display. This feature makes it easy for users to continue using the redirect checker without a lengthy procedure.

In-depth Examination Results

Not only does it display the HTML code status of the URL you enter, but it is also capable of displaying in-depth results such as:

  • Checks if the page has a 404 "not found" status
  • Displays the destination URL of the redirect
  • Analyze redirect chain up to 5 steps
  • Find out the direction of encrypted links like bitly.com
  • Checking affiliate link redirects without clicking on them


The last feature of this tool is your Local History. This tool allows you to view all URL history that has been checked using this tool.

With this feature, you don't need to re-type the URL that was checked if you want to re-check it. You can also delete usage history using the "Clear All" button on the right side of the history feature.

Redirect Type

This tool is capable of displaying several types of redirects, here are the types of redirects you need to know about:

HTTP Status Code 301

A 301 redirect is a type of URL redirect that is permanent. Usually used when you decide to move all content from the old domain to the new website domain. This type of redirect allows visitors who access the old website URL to still be able to reach your new website URL.

HTTP Status Code 302

A 302 redirect is a temporary type of URL redirection. You can use this type of redirect when the web page is under serious repair. For example, when you revamp your website, then you want to redirect visitors to a different domain until the website is complete.

Things to avoid when implementing redirects are URL redirects that are too long and redirect loops. Both of these things can make it difficult for visitors to access information on your website.

In addition, it will also hinder search engines from crawling. It could be that search engines cannot reach the intended page and will stop crawling your web page. Of course, this can have a bad influence on the implementation of SEO on your website.

Therefore, you can take advantage of the cmlabs Redirect Checker Tool to check and troubleshoot possible problems with your web pages.

How to Use Redirect Chain Checker from cmlabs

Here are the steps to use this tool.

Go to the Redirect Chain Checker Page

First of all, to use this tool you can go to the Redirect Chain Checker page. On that page, you will see some of the features offered by this tool. Starting from adding the URL to be checked, displaying the results of the redirect check, to the history of checking the redirect link that you have done before.


Figure 1: Redirect Chain Checker page view

Enter URL

In order to be able to do a redirect check, you must enter the URL in the field provided. Make sure you have entered the URL in the correct format (e.g https://example.com). Next, click the "Check URL" button to give this tool a command to start checking redirects on that link.


Figure 2: The display when the user has entered the website URL in the provided field.

Select User Agent

After entering the URL correctly, the next step is to select a user agent to check the redirect link entered. This feature provides a variety of User Agent options that can be selected according to your needs. To select it, click "Select User Agent" and a dropdown list of User Agents will appear.


Figure 3: Select the user agent feature in the redirect chain checker

Viewing Redirect Check Results

You need to wait a while until the redirect check process is complete. Although this tool is free, the checking data displayed is quite clear. Some of the metrics you can find in your check results are:

Status Code

After the check process is complete, this tool system will display the status code of the checked link. The type of HTML Status Code displayed is usually as follows:

  • 301: is a type of URL redirect that is permanent. Usually used when you decide to move all content from the old domain to the new website domain.
  • 302: temporary URL redirect type. You can use this type of redirect when the web page is under serious repair.
  • 200: indicates the successful status or destination page of the checked link redirect.

Check Date

In addition to the status code, you will also see the date the URL was checked. With the checking date data, you can re-check whether the results of the check and the status presented are based on the latest data.

View Usage History

The last thing you can do with Redirect Chain Checker is view the history of this tool. In the list, you will see a list of website URLs that you have checked before.


Figure 4: Redirect chain checker usage history menu

Login After 5 Times Usage

Some cmlabs free tools require login after 5 times use, Redirect Checker is one of them. If you have used it 5 times, our system will automatically display a message stating that you have reached the usage limit.


Figure 5: Usage warning has reached the limit. In this warning, there is a login button that directs to the login page.

You can log in by clicking the login button on the warning message that appears. Next, you will be directed to the cmlabs login page. Please enter the required data, or you can log in via Google.


Figure 6: cmlabs login page

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be able to return to using this tool to check the redirect chain for free. By logging in, the system can save historical data on the use of this tool in the last one year.

These are the steps to use Redirect Chain Checker from cmlabs. You can use the displayed data as a reference for improvements to the link. Therefore, using this free tool can help the optimization process of your website. Please visit the Redirect Chain Checker page to try it out now.

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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