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The JSON LD Generator generates markup scripts that are used to represent schemas in related articles. Analyze and adjust the quality of your content.


JSON-LD Generator Breadcrumb is a tool to make users easy to know the navigation of the website's internal links. It also shows the user's current position in the site hierarchy.

FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) schema contains questions & answers regarding topics, products, or companies. Use Google Rich Results to answer user questions on the SERP.


JSON-LD How To Schema Generator is a tool to generate a script to tell Google about your guide content. Increase the chances of Google showing rich snippets from your site.

Job Posting

Job Posting Schema Generator is a tool with Structured Data so Google can recognize the job vacancies content on your website. Use this schema And get rich snippets on SERP.


The Person Schema Generator will help you generate a script for persons regarding schemas. Copy and embed it on the page so more people will recognize the person's identity.


JSON LD Product Schema Generator is a tool for generating script for product pages. So Google can provide detailed product information in rich search results and image search.


JSON LD Recipe Schema Generator is a tool for generating recipe schema markup for content to get the Google Rich Result on SERP. Reach more click and people viewing your recipes.


JSON-LD Website Schema is a tool for generating structured data format that promotes data interoperability on the web. With this tool, you can enhance your website's visibility, accessibility, and SEO strategy to achieve richer search results.

Local Business

The JSON-LD Local Business Schema Generator is a tool designed to simplify the complex task of constructing rich, SEO-friendly markup for your business and help you enhance your business's online presence without the need for intricate coding skills!


JSON-LD Video Schema Generator is a tool designed to streamline the process of implementing structured data for video content to ensure that search engines can interpret and display the video to boost its discoverability in search results.


JSON-LD Event Schema Generator is a tool for generating structured data for your events to boost its discoverability on search engines, driving higher attendance, and increasing organic traffic.


JSON-LD Organization Schema Generator is a tool for creating JSON-LD data format that describes information about your organization or company and helps search engines display information about your organization more effectively to provide a better user experiences.

Last Update 3 Oct, 2023 | Version 1.0

What's New

Last update Oct 13, 2023

30 Tools for Countless Solutions! cmlabs has reached a remarkable milestone with the release of 30 cutting-edge tools designed to empower businesses and individuals in the digital realm. All 30 tools, from Test & Checker, Sitemap.XML, and Robots.TXT to various JSON-LD Schema Generator, have been launched to address specific needs and challenges across diverse industries. Together with cmlabs tools, you can stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Try our tools based on your needs now!

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Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is JSON-LD?

First, let's take a look at what JSON-LD stands for, so that we can really understand what it does.

A method of encoding linked data using JSON is JSON-LD, or JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data.

Let's dissect it:


JSON is a lightweight data exchange format, which is easy to read and write by humans, and is easy to parse and build by machine.


Linked Data is about connecting related data using the internet.

JSON-LD is a combination of the two. So, this is a code snippet that tells you the price for what product, or what company zip code belongs to. Basically, instead of adding the schema.org attribute to individual elements on the page, you provide a small block of JavaScript code that contains all that info.

Why use Schema.org?

What we are talking about here, is structured data for your website. Schema.org provides a way to present your information to Google in a machine readable manner. With this structured data, you create an option for Google to display your content in two categories of Google Search:

Rich results, which means your added content, such as the price of your product, its ranking, and / or availability, is literally shown in search results as additional information in your snippet.

The sitelink search box, if your site meets the requirements, the feature is already supported by our Yoast SEO plugin.

Knowledge Graph Card. This one is a little more difficult, because you have to prove first that you are an authority for certain content. After you do this, Google may include your data in the Knowledge Graph.

As you can see, it is very interesting to optimize your site using Schema.org.

Increase the chances of Google showing rich snippets from your site in search results: learn how to add structured data with our training on structured data and SEO.


The methods used to implement schema.org before JSON-LD were available are impractical. You must add the schema.org attribute to the code snippet in your markup. The markup may have to change from page to page, even if you include the same header everywhere, for example. This makes schema.org difficult to implement. For us as plugin developers (and hence back-end), it pushes completely into the front-end development realm.

JSON-LD allows you (and us) to collect all of the data about your product and display it in one, small chunk of JavaScript code, which can be pushed anywhere on the page. This allows you to work on a schema.org implementation using JSON-LD, independently of your theme development.

You can basically add any schema to your JSON-LD block, even link traces.

In fact, in its own documentation, Google often states JSON-LD is the easiest way to add metadata to a site. These are the options that are least likely to break when you make other changes to your site.

Add scripts to your website

Fortunately, JSON + LD is set up in a standard format. Here's an example of this format for random products:

                    <script type="application/ld+json">
                        "@context": "http://schema.org/",
                        "@type": "Product",
                        "name": "cmlabs SEO Tools",
                        "image": "https://tools.cmlabs.co/media/logos/new/new-logo-default.png",
                        "description": "Choose structured data for recipe, job posting and product schema and build the markup with JSON-LD Generator.",
                        "brand": {
                            "@type": "Thing",
                            "name": "cmlabs"
                        "offers": {
                            "@type": "Offer",
                            "priceCurrency": "USD",
                            "price": "79.00"

You can use any schema.org schema in JSON-LD. After adding the new JSON-LD script to your website, make sure to validate your code using Google's structured data test tool. As you can see, this can easily be templated in your theme. There are generators like this one, which can be useful in preparing a template for it. If you are using WordPress, obviously there are plugins that can help you too.

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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