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In this latest version, we developed the How To Schema Generator tool. This tool serves to tell Google explicitly that your content is a guide. Now, users can add structured data for this How To Schema Generator from JSON LD. This structured data will provide information about your page and classify the content of your page. By adding as many required and recommended properties as possible, your page can appear on Google Search effectively.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

In this latest version, we developed the How To Schema Generator tool. This tool serves to tell Google explicitly that your content is a guide. Now, users can add structured data for this How To Schema Generator from JSON LD. This structured data will provide information about your page and classify the content of your page. By adding as many required and recommended properties as possible, your page can appear on Google Search effectively.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Last update Oct 13, 2023

30 Tools for Countless Solutions! cmlabs has reached a remarkable milestone with the release of 30 cutting-edge tools designed to empower businesses and individuals in the digital realm. All 30 tools, from Test & Checker, Sitemap.XML, and Robots.TXT to various JSON-LD Schema Generator, have been launched to address specific needs and challenges across diverse industries. Together with cmlabs tools, you can stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Try our tools based on your needs now!

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JSON-LD How-to Schema Generator

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is JSON-LD How-to Schema Generator?

How-to schema generator is a tool that you can use to create how-to schema markup for free. How-To structured data serves to explicitly tell Google that your content is a guide. Guiding the user through a series of steps to successfully complete an action is one example.

For example, "How to tie a tie" or "How to put tiles in the kitchen". If each step in the instructions can be read sequentially with an attractive visualization, then you can attract more users to read it.

A guide page with a proper markup schema may be eligible for rich snippets on Google search results pages. This feature can also help your site reach the right users.

JSON-LD How-to Schema Generator Features

The cmlabs team has developed this tool complete with features that will make it easier for users to do the job. Here are some of the features offered by this tool.

Easy to Understand Interface

All the free SEO tools from cmlabs have an easy-to-understand interface. This feature can make it easier for users to operate it, even beginners. The simple user interface makes the JSON-LD How-to Schema Generator easy to operate by anyone.

Accurate Code Results

Using this tool can avoid code generation errors. You as a user only need to input the required data. Our system will automatically generate the right code and can be applied immediately.

Rich Result TestFeature is available

Although the code generated by the JSON-LD How-To Schema Generator is automated, we provide a Check feature where you can test the code using Google Rich Resuslt Test. This feature is here to ensure that the generated code is valid.

Quick Guide

If you have problems using this tool, you can read the quick guide on the JSON-LD How-To Schema Generator page. We have compiled this short guide to help users understand the usefulness of this tool for their website.

Advantages of Using How-to Schema Markup

Basically, getting rich snippets or even featured snippets brings a number of benefits to your website. The most common is to bring in more traffic. This is because your website has excellent features that other websites don't have.

However, many webmasters avoid schema markup because it requires HTML and coding skills. By using the JSON-LD How to Schema Generator, you don't need any special skills to create a schematic guide or steps.

Using schema markup in your content is an effective way to help search engines understand your website. If Google understands the content, then you have a higher chance to rank higher on SERP.

How-to Schema Markup Example

You may ask, how a How-to schema looks like in the search results. The following is an example of implementing the How To scheme on the Mobile version of the SERP page.


Figure 1: Example rich snippet of the How-to schema implementation. The image above is the search result of the query “How to drive the automatic car” in mobile search results.

Below is the example of How-to schema markup script generated form this tool:

                        <script type="application/ld+json">
                        "description": "Berikut adalah cara memasak nasi dengan mudah menggunakan rice cooker",
                        "totalTime": "PT30M",
                        "supply": [
                                "@type": "HowToSupply",
                                "name": "Beras"
                                "@type": "HowToSupply",
                                "name": "air"
                        "tools": {
                            "@type": "HowToTool",
                            "name": "rice cooker"
                        "estimateCost": {
                            "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
                            "currency": "IDR",
                            "value": "12000"
                        "step": [
                                "@type": "HowToStep",
                                "text": "Siapkan beras untuk dicuci"
                                "@type": "HowToStep",
                                "text": "Cuci beras, namun jangan terlalu bersih agar nutrisi tetap ada."
                                "@type": "HowToStep",
                                "text": "Tambahkan air sebanyak 2x takaran beras."
                                "@type": "HowToStep",
                                "text": "Masukkan dalam rice cooker"
                                "@type": "HowToStep",
                                "text": "Nyalakan tombol cook"
                                "@type": "HowToStep",
                                "text": "Tunggu hingga status atau tombol berubah menjadi warm"

With the benefits offered, now you don't have to creating a How-to the schema markup manually. Go to the JSON-LD How-To Schema Generator page for accurate script making to support your guide page.

How to Use How-To Schema Generator?

How-to schema generator is a tool that you can use to create how-to schema markup for free. How to is a type of content that provide instructions or guidance to users through a series of steps to complete a particular task or activity.

The steps you can take to generate how-to schema markup using this tool are as follows:

Go to the JSON-LD How-To Schema Generator Page

First, head over to the JSON-LD How-To Schema Generator page to start your journey in creating schema markup automatically. This tool will make it easier for you to create content that contains instructions to have a more attractive appearance on the SERP. The schema markup generated by this tool also complies with Google search guidelines.


Figure 1: How to schema generator page display from cmlabs.

Input General Information

By inputting the data needed to create a how-to schema markup, you can immediately preview the schema markup that was successfully created. In general information, there are some data that you need to add including

  • Name: the title of the hint or instruction created.
  • Total Time: the duration required to execute all instructions (including the time used to prepare materials), written in ISO 8601 format.
  • Estimated Cost: the total estimated cost to prepare the materials needed to carry out the instructions.
  • Currency: the type of currency used in the cost estimate.
  • Image URL: the location or file path where you saved the image to be used in the content of the hint.

Figure 2: Enter general information in the fields provided in the how-to schema generator.

Add Supply

Next, you can add some ingredients in the column provided. Materials are items or things that are needed when the user carries out the instructions that you provide. It should be noted that the input received by this tool is text.


Figure 3: Add supply to the fields provided in the how-to schema generator.

Add Tool

You also need to add some tools that users need to carry out the instructions that you provide in the fields provided. It should be noted that the input received by this tool is text.


Figure 4: Add tools used to perform instructions in the fields provided in the how-to schema generator.

Input The Instructions

After inputting supply/material and tools into the fields provided, then you need to enter a series of steps or instructions that must be done to get something done. You need to enter some data such as instruction description, image URL, instruction name or title, and instruction URL.

You can add some additional steps by pressing the "Add URL" button. Not only that, but you can also delete unnecessary steps by pressing the cross icon on the right side of the instruction field.


Figure 5: Add a series of steps or instructions to the fields provided in the how-to schema generator.

Copy The Result

If you have completed the required attributes to create how to schema markup, then you will see a preview of schema markup on the right side of the page. You can copy the schema markup directly with the “copy” button and paste it into your program code.


Figure 6: How-to schema markup copy options

Check JSON-LD How-to Schema Validity

With the How-to schema generator, you can also check the validity of the JSON-LD script you are using. How to check it is quite easy, just press the check option contained in the preview of the resulting script.

When you press the button, you will be redirected to Google's Rich Result Test page. On that page, you can check if the generated schema markup is working properly in Google search.


Figure 7: How-to schema markup validation check options

Reset Schema Generator

This tool has options that make it easy for you to create a new How-to schema. Just click the "Reset" option and delete all the data that was added previously. Next, you can create a new script.


Figure 8: Data reset option added to How-to schema generator.

That's a brief discussion on how to create a how-to schema markup using the JSON-LD How To Schema Generator tool from cmlabs. These tools can help you generate schema markup quickly and efficiently. Try this tool now!

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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