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Calculate The Number of Words in a Text










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This latest version update provides autosave and copy & adjust font features. With the autosave feature, you don't have to worry if your writing is lost due to technical problems, the system will store your writing safely. Meanwhile, the copy & adjust font feature will make it easier for you to copy text and adjust the size as desired. It's time to write safely for better writing results.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021
Your Local History
Clear All

This latest version update provides autosave and copy & adjust font features. With the autosave feature, you don't have to worry if your writing is lost due to technical problems, the system will store your writing safely. Meanwhile, the copy & adjust font feature will make it easier for you to copy text and adjust the size as desired. It's time to write safely for better writing results.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Last update Oct 13, 2023

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Word Counter

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is Word Counter?

One of the aspects that you need to pay attention to in writing an article is the word count. In this case, Word Counter plays a role to help writers adjust the content according to the data provided to them. The tool mainly serves to count the number of words and the keyword density..

This tool by cmlabs makes it easier for you to count keywords and adjust them to the context of your article. You can either use this tool to write SEO articles or copywriting.

Stages to Write Properly

Before knowing the features of this SEO tool, it is better if you know the steps to write properly first. Here are the things you must do:

  • Conduct keyword research
  • Gather resources before you start writing
  • Do SEO competitive analysis
  • Make an outline
  • Start writing your content
  • Review and revise if needed
  • Publish your content

Word Counter Features from cmlabs

There are several features provided by the tool. Each existing feature is designed to help users use the tool easily and practically. Here are the features you can use in this online tool:

Text Box

This cmlabs tool provides a text box where you can write or copy your texts. On the left side, there’s a box complete with indicators such as characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and reading time.

Each indicator will display the number of characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and reading time of the content you write. Aside from that, you can adjust the size of the font if the text is not clear enough to you.

The text box in this tool is also equipped with the Autosave option. If your tab accidentally gets closed, the content that you copy or write Anda will be saved automatically. There is also an option to copy and clear the text in the box.

Counter Column

There is a counter column on the right side of the page of the tool that displays the data of the text. The information there includes keywords that are arranged based on their numbers of words. You can check the keyword density from each keyword used within the text.

Local History

The counter tool is equipped with the Local History feature. Hence, every content that has been analyzed will be saved and be seen in the history section. In other words, the history of keyword count will be safely stored and can be seen back anytime.

Counter Specification

After knowing the features of Word Counter, you need to know what each of the indicators means. To help you understand the information displayed by the indicators, here are the specifications of each one of them:

  • Characters: the number of characters in the text, including space and punctuation marks.

  • Word: the number of words and character groups in the text.

  • Sentence: total of sentences found within the text.

  • Paragraph: the total number of paragraphs or the groups of sentences in the text.

  • Reading Time: the average time needed to read based on the standard count.

The Importance of Keyword Density

Keyword density needs to be checked so your content can be optimized well. By using the tool, you can see the percentages of each keyword you use within the content.

The percentages shown in the column indicate how often your keywords appear in the text. It is the result of the use of keywords compared to the total number of words in the text. Therefore, you can make sure to focus on the density that may increase the performance of the page on the search result pages.

Here are some of the strategies you should apply in monitoring keyword density in your content:

  • Prioritize what readers need

  • Use variant keywords

  • Add keywords that match with the context

It is worth noting that you should not use too many keywords within an article. Avoid keyword stuffing so that your content looks natural for readers. Use the keyword appropriately in each section to increase the performance of an SEO website organically.

That was the information about what Word Counter is, its features, as well as its functions. Visit this page to use this cmlabs tool for free and check the keyword density needed to optimize your content.

How to Use Word Counter

In writing articles based on SEO rules, you need to pay attention to the number of words and the use of keywords. Word Counter from cmlabs can help ease your workload in evaluating content and adapting it to your SEO needs.

This online counter from cmlabs is free and can be used anytime. There is no word limit so you can use it to evaluate a wide variety of text forms in a practical and automatic way.

To use this free SEO tool from cmlabs, follow these steps:

Go to the cmlabs Word Counter Page


Figure 1: Word Counter front page view from cmlabs

Start the word counting process automatically by opening the Word Counter page from cmlabs. On this main page, you can see the box view to copy text from the draft that you have created or write it directly.

There are several specifications that you need to pay attention to when using this tool. Each counter gives an indication of whether the text has met the writing requirements you set or not.

Write or Copy Text in the Designated Box


Figure 2: Copy or write the text in the designated box

After entering the destination page, you can copy the text or write it directly in the designated box. If the font size is not clearly visible on the device screen, set it accordingly by adjusting the size at the top of the box.

To count words from the new text, click the Create New button at the top right of the box. The text will be deleted instantly and moved automatically to the history section or Your Local History.

Don't forget to turn on Autosave so that your data is saved even if the tab is accidentally closed. You can click the icon on the top right side of the text box. If the icon is blue, it means that the autosave system has been activated.


Figure 3: Create New and Autosave icon display

Check Character, Word, and Sentence Count


Figure 4: Illustration of counter specifications

The text entered in the field will be analyzed by the cmlabs counter system. The calculation results can be seen directly by the user. In other words, this tool does not require any time at all to perform data processing.

Details of the results of the calculation of characters, words, and sentences can be seen at the top of the text box. In addition, you can see how many paragraphs there are and how long it takes to read on the same line.

Check Keyword Density


Figure 5: Display of keyword density column in Word Counter from cmlabs

In addition to the number of words, writing articles based on SEO rules must be done by paying attention to keyword density. The counter tool from cmlabs can quickly display reports and details of keyword density.

You can check the density of each keyword by looking at the percentage on the right side of the column. The data is sorted by the number of words and the amount of volume or density in the text.

Horizontally, there are five sequences arranged according to the number of keywords in the text found by the counter. The order is arranged vertically according to the number of keywords and their percentage.

From this data, you can see whether the keyword density has met the SEO requirements you specified or not. If you think that the percentage is not up to standard, then you can make adjustments by using the keyword according to your SEO needs.

That was the information about how to use the text counter from cmlabs. The number of words is important in writing content according to SEO rules. Of course, this has something to do with the keyword density in the text. To use this tool, visit the Word Counter page and make sure your content optimization needs are met.

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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