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In this latest version update, we added the Recipe tool in JSON LD. This tool serves to tell Google that the content on your page is a recipe. You can add various schemes. Starting from the recipe category, cooking time, number of calories, ingredients used, and the steps. Apart from that, you can also add an image for the recipe. By adding a Recipe schema to your blog posts you can improve the appearance of your blog posts.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

In this latest version update, we added the Recipe tool in JSON LD. This tool serves to tell Google that the content on your page is a recipe. You can add various schemes. Starting from the recipe category, cooking time, number of calories, ingredients used, and the steps. Apart from that, you can also add an image for the recipe. By adding a Recipe schema to your blog posts you can improve the appearance of your blog posts.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Last update Oct 13, 2023

30 Tools for Countless Solutions! cmlabs has reached a remarkable milestone with the release of 30 cutting-edge tools designed to empower businesses and individuals in the digital realm. All 30 tools, from Test & Checker, Sitemap.XML, and Robots.TXT to various JSON-LD Schema Generator, have been launched to address specific needs and challenges across diverse industries. Together with cmlabs tools, you can stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Try our tools based on your needs now!

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JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator?

JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator is a free tool from cmlabs that you can use to easily generate food recipe schema markup. For those of you who have a business website about cooking, this tool will really help your website to attract more visitors through the generated rich snippets.

By adding a recipe schema to your content, you are telling search engines like Google about the recipe using structured data. The data you enter such as ingredients, tools, cooking time, reviews, to nutritional information can attract more users.

Recipe schemas can appear specifically as rich snippets in search results as well as in image search results. However, only adding the schema will not suffice without other optimizations. We will explain this in the following section.

Tips to Improve Recipe Schema Markup

As we mentioned, simply installing a recipe markup schema isn't enough to successfully get rich snippets from Google. Therefore, you need to improve some of the things below to be more eligible to get the rich snippet feature.

Complete Required Data

For the recipe schema, you need to complete the data so that the page can be a complete guide. Data such as ingredients, instructions, video properties, to relevant content URLs also need to be added to the recipe page that you create.

It can also make it easier for Google Assistant or Google Image to recommend your page to users who really need it. The presence of video elements can also highlight your website compared to competitors. This type of content can support the audience's understanding of the content you create.


Figure 1: the display of image search results from the query "chicken soup recipe"

From the image above, image search results can also display special recipe results with a fork and knife icon at the bottom left of the image. This shows that using the recipe schema can also optimize image search.

Add Recipe Host Carousel

The Recipe Host Carousel is a list of other recipes that you create on your website. You can add this section at the end of your recipe content. The following is an example of a carousel from a website with a cooking niche:


Figure 2: Display of the recipe host carousel.

With this section, you will attract readers to explore other content on the same website. It allows you to increase traffic by promoting a good user experience.

How can Recipe Schema Markup Improve SEO?

There are several advantages if your website successfully implements a recipe schema, some of which have to do with SEO and the performance of the website itself. Here is the explanation.

Rich Result can Increase CTR

The most obvious advantage is that your website has an attractive appearance in the SERPs. Rich results will appear in the carousel at the top of the SERP with detailed information, including images, ratings, and a short text description.

Users searching for recipes online are more attracted to search results that have attractive images, high ratings, and convenient ingredient lists. Therefore, the CTR will also increase if you use this scheme.

Enable Guided Recipes on Voice Search

Google added the Guided Recipe feature to Google Search Console. Guided Recipes basically lets users search for recipes using voice search on Google Assistant.

With the increase in Google Assistant users, it's time for you to implement a recipe schema markup to get more visitors.

Example of Generated Schema Markup

The following is an example script generated from using the JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator:

                    <script type="application/ld+json">
                            "@context": "https://schema.org",
                            "@type": "Recipe",
                            "author": "Jake Smith",
                            "cookTime": "PT2H",
                            "datePublished": "2015-05-18",
                            "description": "Your recipe description goes here",
                            "image": "http://www.example.com/images.jpg",
                            "recipeIngredient": [
                            "ingredient 1",
                            "ingredient 2",
                            "ingredient 3",
                            "ingredient 4",
                            "ingredient 5"
                            "interactionStatistic": {
                            "@type": "InteractionCounter",
                            "interactionType": "http://schema.org/Comment",
                            "userInteractionCount": "5"
                            "name": "Rand's Cookies",
                            "nutrition": {
                            "@type": "NutritionInformation",
                            "calories": "1200 calories",
                            "carbohydrateContent": "12 carbs",
                            "proteinContent": "9 grams of protein",
                            "fatContent": "9 grams fat"
                            "prepTime": "PT15M",
                            "recipeInstructions": "This is the long part, etc.",
                            "recipeYield": "12 cookies"

After you understand what JSON-LD Recipe Schema markup is and its benefits in SEO, now, you can use it easily and for free through the tools provided by cmlabs.

How to Use the Recipe Schema Generator?

Recipe schema generator is a tool that you can use to create recipe schema markup for free. By adding schema markup, the recipe will look more attractive in the SERP. The steps to generate a recipe schema using this tool are as follows:

Go to the JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator Page

First of all, go to the JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator page to create recipe schema markup automatically. This tool offers convenience for those of you who have problems creating a recipe schema manually. In fact, the generated markup schema has also been adapted to Google's search guidelines.


Figure 1: Display of the recipe schema generator page from cmlabs.

Input Main Information

This JSON-LD generator tool from cmlabs provides a very easy way to create a recipe schema. You only need to input the main information consisting of the recipe name, keywords (if necessary), and a description of the recipe. Next, you can add other required data.


Figure 2: Enter the recipe name, keywords, and recipe description to create a recipe schema markup.

Add Image

By default, this tool provides 1 field that can be used to add an image. If you want to add another image, then you can press the "Add Image" button and this tool will display a new field that you can use to enter the URL of another image.


Figure 3: "Add Image" button on the recipe schema generator from cmlabs.

Input Supporting Information

Next, you can add supporting information consisting of video content URL, video embed URL, recipe creator, publication date, preparation time, cooking time, category of the dish, name of a dish, and the portion of the dish. This data is optional, which you can skip if you don't need to include supporting information.


Figure 4: Display form to enter supporting information in creating recipe schema markup.

Add Ingredients

After inputting supporting information, you can add cooking ingredients. The method is quite easy, you can do it by clicking the "Add Material" button. Next, enter the name of the ingredient in the column provided in the recipe schema generator.


Figure 5: Option to add ingredients to recipe schema markup

Input Nutritional Facts

With the recipe schema generator, you can also add nutritional information consisting of portion size, number of calories, and fat contained in each gram of your food. To add information, please enter data in the fields provided.


Figure 6: The form for adding nutritional information to the recipe schema markup

Add Instructions

Furthermore, you can also enter the steps for making dishes based on the recipes you share. Click the "Add Step" button to add instructions. In this section, you will be asked to enter the instruction sentence, the name or title of the instruction, the URL of the instruction, and the URL of the Image (if any).


Figure 7: Form for adding recipe instructions to recipe schema markup

Finally, you can add a rating to your recipe. There are several types of ratings that can be given, namely aggregate ratings, rating numbers, the highest values ​​allowed, and the lowest values ​​allowed.

In addition, you can also add a review by pressing the "Review" button. When you press the button, you can add the data needed to make a review. Starting from the name of the review, rating, date of review, the content of the review, name of the review author, and the publisher.


Figure 8: Form for adding ratings and reviews to the recipe schema markup

Copy Generated Schema Markup FAQ

After entering all the information into the fields provided, you will see a preview of the Recipe schema markup on the right side of the page. To add the schema to the website, you can press the option to copy and paste the script into your program code.


Figure 9: Recipe schema markup copy options

Check JSON-LD Recipe Schema Script Validation

With the Recipe schema generator, you can also check the validity of the JSON-LD script that you used to create the Recipe page. To check it is quite easy, just press the check option contained in the preview section of the resulting script.

When you press the button, you will be redirected to Google's Rich Result Test page. On that page, you can check if the generated schema markup is working properly in Google search.


Figure 10: Recipe schema markup validation check options

Reset Recipe Schema Generator

This tool has options that make it easier for you to create other Recipe schemas. Just click the "Reset" option and delete all the data that was added previously. Next, you can create a new Recipe script.


Figure 11: Data reset option added to Recipe schema generator.

That's a brief discussion on how to create a recipe schema markup using the JSON-LD Recipe Schema Generator tool from cmlabs. This tool can help you make recipe content more attractive in the SERPs. Try this tool now!

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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