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Job Posting

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In this latest version of the Job Posting Schema Generator tool in JSON LD, you can create a so-called Global Snippet and attach it to all your work pages automatically. You can also preview. This will help you to see how your Job Posting will appear in search engines. This allows you to do some editing before uploading to search engines. We hope that this tool will help you find candidates according to specifications.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

In this latest version of the Job Posting Schema Generator tool in JSON LD, you can create a so-called Global Snippet and attach it to all your work pages automatically. You can also preview. This will help you to see how your Job Posting will appear in search engines. This allows you to do some editing before uploading to search engines. We hope that this tool will help you find candidates according to specifications.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Last update Oct 13, 2023

30 Tools for Countless Solutions! cmlabs has reached a remarkable milestone with the release of 30 cutting-edge tools designed to empower businesses and individuals in the digital realm. All 30 tools, from Test & Checker, Sitemap.XML, and Robots.TXT to various JSON-LD Schema Generator, have been launched to address specific needs and challenges across diverse industries. Together with cmlabs tools, you can stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Try our tools based on your needs now!

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JSON-LD Job Posting Generator

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is JSON-LD Job Posting Generator?

JSON-LD Job Posting Schema Generator is one of the free tools from cmlabs that serves to create job vacancies schematics. This tool can be used for free by anyone around the globe.

In this tool, you can create a complete job vacancy schema. You only need to input the required data such as job title, job description, your company information, time range, and complete specifications of the job in question.

With this tool, you don't have to bother creating schemas manually. The results that appear after you complete the job vacancy data can be copied and applied directly to your website.

Advantages of Using Job Posting Schema

As a company that requires good quality employees, making job postings is the main thing to do. However, please note that you cannot post jobs to Google directly without any schema and hope it will appear as a job posting.

Therefore, you need to post job listings on your website and use structured data so that Google (and other search engines) know that the page contains Job Vacancies. Using this type of schema can help you achieve your main goal which is to better reach potential resources. Thus, the recruitment process will become easier.

Another urgency is, that using a job posting scheme can optimize your website to get rich snippets from Google. Rich snippets will attract more relevant audiences to the job posting page.

Display of Job Posting on SERP

Here is an example of how Job Posting looks on a Google search results page.


Figure 1: Display of job postings on Google search results page.

In order to appear on the job posting list as above, you must help search engines to understand the job vacancies page on your website. The only way is to apply a job posting schema markup. This feature will really help HR (human resources) to attract more potential candidates in the recruitment process.

Example of Generated Schema Markup

Here we attach an example of the script results generated by this tool:

                    <script type="application/ld+json">
                            "@context": "https://schema.org/",
                            "@type": "JobPosting",
                            "title": "Developer",
                            "description": "Let's join our code enthusiast and create a new inovation for the world.",
                            "identifier": {
                                "@type": "PropertyValue",
                                "name": "cmlabs",
                                "value": "12345"
                            "hiringOrganization": {
                                "@type": "Organization",
                                "name": "cmlabs",
                                "sameAs": "cmlabs.co"
                            "industry": "Software House",
                            "employmentType": "FULL_TIME",
                            "workHours": "08.00 - 16.00",
                            "datePosted": "04/20/2021",
                            "validThrough": "05/11/2021",
                            "jobLocation": {
                                "@type": "Place",
                                "address": {
                                    "@type": "PostalAddress",
                                    "streetAddress": "Malang, Indonesia",
                                    "addressLocality": "Malang",
                                    "addressRegion": "JI",
                                    "postalCode": "65141",
                                    "addressCountry": "ID"
                            "baseSalary": {
                                "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
                                "currency": "IDR",
                                "value": {
                                    "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
                                    "value": "2000000",
                                    "unitText": "MONTH"
                            "responsibilities": "building API",
                            "educationRequirements": "Bachelor Degree",
                            "experienceRequirements": "min. 4 years experience"

Thus a brief explanation of what the JSON-LD Job Posting Schema Generator is complete with the advantages of using this schema for your website. Visit this tool page and start generating job posting schemes for free now.

How to Use the Job Posting Schema Generator?

The steps to generate a job posting schema using this tool is as follows:

Go to the JSON-LD Job Posting Schema Generator Page

Go to the JSON-LD Job Posting Schema Generator page to create a job posting using schema markup.


Figure 1: The job posting schema generator page display from cmlabs.

Input Job Title

Write down what job positions are currently available in your company. Then, make sure there are no typos in the job title.


Figure 2: Enter the job title in the field provided in the job posting schema generator.

Add Job Identifier

Add a job identifier, which is the unique ID of the employment provider organization for the job. Be sure to enter the job identifier in the correct writing format.


Figure 3: Enter the job identifier in the field provided in the job posting schema generator.

Explain Job Description

Next, you will also need to add a description of the job you are going to post.


Figure 4: Enter a job description in the fields provided in the job posting schema generator.

Add Your Company and Industry Data

Add your company data as a representation of the organization offering the job vacancy. You need to fill in the company name and URL and your company industry.


Figure 5: Enter company and industry data in the fields provided in the job posting schema generator.

Determine the Type of Work and Working Hours

Next, select a job type. As seen in the picture, there are several job options, namely full-time, part-time, internal, and so on. Then, also add working hours in the column right next to the type of work.


Figure 6: Specify the type of work and working hours in the available fields in the job posting schema generator.

Set the Posting Time and Registration Deadline

Set a time when you will post this job info and set a registration deadline. Click on the available fields and this tool will display a date picker, then you can specify the posting time and registration deadline.


Figure 7: Set the job publication time and registration deadline in the fields provided in the job posting schema generator.

Complete Company Location

Next, add the complete company location such as street name, city, province, postal code, and country. However, if you are offered a remote job, simply press the checkbox on the "Remote Job" option. That way, you don't have to add a company location.


Figure 8: Complete the location of the company in the fields provided in the job posting schema generator.

Share Salary Information

You can also share salary information on the job posting schema. You can add data on basic salary, maximum salary, currency, and payment frequency. There are several options for the frequency of payments, namely hourly, weekly, monthly, or annually.


Figure 9: Complete salary information in the fields provided in the job posting schema generator.

Add More Information

Add other information related to job vacancies that will be published. Other information includes responsibilities, skills, qualifications, educational requirements, and experience.


Figure 10: Add more information to the available fields in the job posting schema generator.

Copy Job Posting Schema Markup Generated

If you have completed the required attributes to create a Job Posting schema markup, then you will see a preview of the schema markup on the right side of the page. You can copy the schema markup directly with the "copy" button and paste it into your program code.


Figure 11: Job posting schema markup copy options

Check JSON-LD Script Validity

With the Job Posting schema generator, you can also check the validity of the JSON-LD script you are using. How to check it is quite easy, just press the check option contained in the preview of the resulting script.


Figure 12: Job posting schema markup validation check options

Reset Schema Generator

This tool has options that make it easier for you to create a new Job Posting schema. Just click the "Reset" option and delete all the data that was added previously. Next, you can create a new script.


Figure 13: Data reset option added to the Job Posting schema generator.

That's a brief discussion about how to create a job posting schema using the JSON-LD Job Posting Schema Generator tool from cmlabs. These tools can help you generate schema markup quickly and efficiently. Try this tool now!

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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