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FAQ Page Generator

In this latest version of the FAQ Schema Generator tool, you can enter high-quality content that will help customers understand products and services quickly. So, your FAQ schema can play an important role in driving your audience to become potential customers. The user can create a schema of the most frequently asked questions with the FAQ Schema Generator tool from JSON LD.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

In this latest version of the FAQ Schema Generator tool, you can enter high-quality content that will help customers understand products and services quickly. So, your FAQ schema can play an important role in driving your audience to become potential customers. The user can create a schema of the most frequently asked questions with the FAQ Schema Generator tool from JSON LD.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Last update Oct 13, 2023

30 Tools for Countless Solutions! cmlabs has reached a remarkable milestone with the release of 30 cutting-edge tools designed to empower businesses and individuals in the digital realm. All 30 tools, from Test & Checker, Sitemap.XML, and Robots.TXT to various JSON-LD Schema Generator, have been launched to address specific needs and challenges across diverse industries. Together with cmlabs tools, you can stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Try our tools based on your needs now!

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FAQ Schema Generator

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is FAQ Schema Generator?

FAQ schema generator is a free tool from cmlabs that can help webmasters to simplify FAQ schemas using JSON-LD format. With just a few clicks, you can generate schema markup without having to manually create it with coding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are pages that contain questions and answers related to the company's topics, products, and services. Currently, search engines like Google have supported the display of FAQs so that your website appears in the SERPs. Of course, you must follow the procedures and conditions that have been determined.

Your SEO implementation will be up-to-date with the JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator and generate rich snippets in SERPs with a simple procedure and no specific programming language knowledge required.

Advantages of Using FAQ Schema Generator by cmlabs

This tool is designed to offer convenience to its users. Here are some of the advantages that you can enjoy using the JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator.

Making Schema Markup FAQs Easier

You as a user only need to enter questions and answers in the column provided. Our system will automatically generate the right code. The generated code can be copied using the Copy feature to avoid manual copy-pasting errors.

Check The Generated Code Easily

With this tool, you can find out the proper FAQ format. The Check feature of this tool can be used to check the correctness of the generated code based on the Google Rich Result Test. So, you don't have to worry about errors in the generated code.

Multiple Questions and Answers

This tool allows you to enter more than 1 question and answer. With this convenience, you can maximize the list of questions that a user could potentially search for.

Why Does Your Site Need a FAQ Schema?

In line with search engines' vision of providing the most relevant results in the shortest time, then, this FAQ feature can be the fastest information that can be accessed by users.

With this feature, it will be easier for your company to reach the audience and introduce products or services to them without having to go through a long process. However, not all webmasters have the ability to make it. This tool is the answer for those of you who want to improve website performance with limited resources.

Main Benefits of FAQ in SEO Implementation

Creating content regularly is not enough to get featured snippets from Google, therefore, using free cmlabs tools like JSON-LD Schema Generator can help you get more attention from search engines. Here are some of the main benefits of the FAQ scheme in your SEO implementation.

Bringing More Traffic

Creating high-quality content on a regular basis and having a user-friendly website display is very important. However, you need an FAQ page to attract more traffic and convert more customers.

The FAQ page can be navigation for users to go to your website. FAQs serve as an information hub for audiences who want to learn more about the business and find out about products or services that are relevant to their queries.

Improving Brand Credibility

If you manage to answer all user questions about products and services correctly, then you will be trusted as an expert in that field. Providing the best answers to customer questions is the best way for you to become a reliable source.

Helping Google Understand Your Business

Search engines love the FAQ page because it provides relevant content to help Google understand your business. This means you need lots of high-quality content to help your business be found on search engines. The FAQ page is a great place to publish lots of interesting information about your business, products, and services.

Example of Generated Schema Markup

Here is an example of the script output generated from the JSON-LD FAQ Schema Markup after you have entered some questions and answers.

                    <script type="application/ld+json">
                    "@context": "https://schema.org",
                    "@type": "FAQPage",
                    "mainEntity": [{
                        "@type": "Question",
                        "name": "Apa Itu JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator?",
                        "acceptedAnswer": {
                        "@type": "Answer",
                        "text": "JSON-LD FAQ schema generator adalah sebuah tool gratis dari cmlabs yang dapat membantu webmaster membuat skema FAQ dengan lebih cepat dan praktis."
                        "@type": "Question",
                        "name": "Apa saja fitur yang tersedia?",
                        "acceptedAnswer": {
                        "@type": "Answer",
                        "text": "Alat ini menyediakan berbagai fitur seperti, copy, check, reset, dan add question"
                        "@type": "Question",
                        "name": "Alat ini dapat digunakan oleh siapa?",
                        "acceptedAnswer": {
                        "@type": "Answer",
                        "text": "Alat ini dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja yang membutuhkan dengan gratis"

This is a complete discussion of the cmlabs JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator tool. Visit this tool page to start creating an FAQ schema to support your business' performance on search engines.

How to Use Schema Generator FAQ?

The FAQ schema generator is a free tool from cmlabs that you can use to automatically generate FAQ schema markup. In this guide, we will show you how to use this tool easily.

Open JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator Page

First, head over to the JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator page to start your journey of automatically generating FAQ schema markup. This tool offers convenience for those of you who have problems creating a schema FAQ manually. Moreover, the schema markup generated by this tool complies with Google's search guidelines.


Figure 1: View of the schema generator FAQ page from cmlabs.

Input Required Data

This JSON-LD generator tool from cmlabs provides a very easy way to create a FAQ schema. By inputting the required data such as questions and answers, you can immediately see the FAQ schema markup that was successfully created.


Figure 2: Enter the data needed to create the FAQ schema markup.

Add New Question

By default, this tool provides 1 field that can be used to create a JSON-LD FAQ schema. If you want to add another question, then you can press the "Add Question" button and this tool will display a new field that you can use to add a new question along with the answer to that question.


Figure 3: “Add Question” button on the FAQ schema generator from cmlabs.

Delete Question

If you want to delete unneeded questions, then you can press the cross icon to the right of the field to enter a FAQ draft. Note that deleted fields cannot be recovered.


Figure 4: Cross icon button to delete FAQ on JSON-LD FAQ schema generator from cmlabs.

Copy The Generated Schema Markup FAQ

After inputting the questions and answers into the fields provided, you will see a preview of the schema markup FAQ on the right side. To add a schema FAQ to your website, you can press the copy option and paste it into your program code.


Figure 5: Schema markup FAQ copy options

Check JSON-LD Script Validity

With the FAQ schema generator, you can also check the validity of the JSON-LD script that you use to create the FAQ. To check it is quite easy, just press the check option contained in the preview section of the resulting script.

When you press the button, you will be redirected to Google's Rich Result Test page. On that page, you can check if the generated schema markup is working properly in Google search.


Figure 6: Check schema markup FAQ validation options

Reset Schema Generator FAQ

This tool is equipped with options that make it easier for you to find ways to create other schema FAQs. Just click the "Reset" option and delete all the FAQ data that was added earlier. Next, you can create a new FAQ script.


Figure 7: Data reset option added to schema generator FAQ.

That's a brief discussion on how to create an FAQ schema using the JSON-LD FAQ schema markup generator tool from cmlabs. These tools can help you generate schema markup quickly and efficiently. Try this tool now!

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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