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Breadcrumb Generator

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In the latest version of JSON LD, we added Breadcrumb Schema Generator. This tool is useful for allowing users to grab clicks from a page that is ranked above it if you have breadcrumb markup and competitors don't. Now users can add schemas. This scheme serves to test your implementation at page or code level with Google's Rich Snippet Testing Tool and ask it to crawl the modified pages of your website. With this tool, you can see your CTR and traffic levels soar.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

In the latest version of JSON LD, we added Breadcrumb Schema Generator. This tool is useful for allowing users to grab clicks from a page that is ranked above it if you have breadcrumb markup and competitors don't. Now users can add schemas. This scheme serves to test your implementation at page or code level with Google's Rich Snippet Testing Tool and ask it to crawl the modified pages of your website. With this tool, you can see your CTR and traffic levels soar.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Last update Oct 13, 2023

30 Tools for Countless Solutions! cmlabs has reached a remarkable milestone with the release of 30 cutting-edge tools designed to empower businesses and individuals in the digital realm. All 30 tools, from Test & Checker, Sitemap.XML, and Robots.TXT to various JSON-LD Schema Generator, have been launched to address specific needs and challenges across diverse industries. Together with cmlabs tools, you can stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Try our tools based on your needs now!

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JSON-LD Breadcrumb Schema Generator

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is JSON-LD Breadcrumb Schema Generator by cmlabs?

Breadcrumb schema generator is a free tool from cmlabs that can help webmasters make breadcrumb schema markup more practical. This tool allows you to generate schema markup with just a few clicks, without needing coding skills.

By using the breadcrumb schema generator from cmlabs, you will avoid errors that may occur due to improperly generated JSON-LD scripts.

Benefits of Using Breadcrumb Schema Generator

Some of the benefits you get by using the breadcrumb schema generator from cmlabs are as follows:

More Practical

You can customize the structure of the breadcrumb you want to create by simply entering a few required parameters. In no time, you will see a successfully created breadcrumb script. This method is definitely more practical than making breadcrumbs manually.

Making Breadcrumb According to Google Guidelines

JSON-LD scripts generated via the breadcrumb schema generator are compliant with Google's breadcrumb guidelines. If you add the script to your website, then the website is eligible to appear with breadcrumbs in Google search.

Code Validation Test

The breadcrumb schema generator from cmlabs is integrated with Google's Rich Result Test. This allows you to test whether the generated script can work properly or not in Google search.

Breadcrumb Function On Website

Implementing breadcrumbs can improve the user experience and provide other benefits for your website. The breadcrumb function is as follows:

Easy User Navigation

Breadcrumb function is as second navigation after the main menu. With the breadcrumb, web users can find out where they are currently and can browse the website more easily.

Improve Website SEO

Another function of breadcrumbs is to improve website SEO. This is because the application of breadcrumbs can optimize the user experience and make it easier for Google to understand the structure of the website. So, the website will get a better ranking in the eyes of Google.

Minimize Bounce Rate

The implementation of breadcrumbs can make it easier for web users to find the content they are looking for. Because breadcrumbs provide a page navigation structure to the last level. This can minimize the potential bounce rate on your website pages.

Example JSON-LD Breadcrumb Schema Markup

The implementation of breadcrumb schema markup can be done in several ways, namely using HTML code or through JSON-LD (Javascript Object Notation for Linked Data). To create a breadcrumb schema using JSON-LD, you need to add a script in the source code of your website.

However, by using this tool, you no longer need to write scripts manually. Because you can get schema markup automatically just by entering the required parameters. How to use this breadcrumb schema generator is also quite easy, so you don't need to have coding skills to use it.

An example of the JSON-LD code that you will receive from the breadcrumb schema generator is as follows:

                    <script type="application/ld+json">
                    "@context": "https://schema.org",
                    "@type": "BreadcrumbList",
                    "itemListElement": [{
                        "@type": "ListItem",
                        "position": 1,
                        "name": "Home",
                        "item": "https://cmlabs.co/"
                        "@type": "ListItem",
                        "position": 2,
                        "name": "About Us",
                        "item": "https://cmlabs.co/about-us/"

What Happens After the Schema Is Implemented?

Once implemented, you can test your implementation at the page or code level using Google's Rich Snippet Testing Tool. Once it is live, you can ask Google to crawl your modified page. Next, monitor your CTR and traffic levels after the implementation.

How to Use the Breadcrumb Schema Generator?

Breadcrumb schema generator is a tool that can help you to generate breadcrumb schema markup more easily. Here's how to make breadcrumbs that you can do with this tool:

Open JSON-LD Breadcrumb Schema Generator Page

As a first step in creating breadcrumbs, you need to open the JSON-LD Breadcrumb Schema Generator page first. With this tool, you don't have to worry about experiencing problems in breadcrumb creation, because this tool will present a breadcrumb schema markup that complies with Google search guidelines.


Figure 1: Breadcrumb schema generator page view from cmlabs.

Input The Required Data

To make breadcrumbs using the JSON-LD generator from cmlabs is quite easy. Make sure you have selected the breadcrumb option for the scheme you want to create. Then, simply add the page name and URL in the fields provided or delete fields that are not needed.


Figure 2: Enter the data needed to create a breadcrumb schema markup.

Add New URL

By default, the breadcrumb schema generator provides 2 fields that you can use to construct a JSON-LD breadcrumb script. If you want to add another page, then you can press the "Add URL" button and this tool will display a new field that you can use to add a new page along with its URL.


Figure 3: "Add URL / Tambah URL" button on the breadcrumb schema generator from cmlabs.

Remove URL

If you want to remove unneeded pages from the breadcrumb, then you can press the cross icon on the right side of the field to enter the page name and URL. Note that deleted fields cannot be recovered.


Figure 4: Cross icon button to remove URL in breadcrumb schema generator from cmlabs.

Copy The Generated JSON-LD Script

After entering the required data, you will see a preview of the breadcrumb schema markup on the right side. To add a breadcrumb schema to a website is by pressing the copy option, then paste the script that has been created into your program code.


Figure 5: Breadcrumb schema markup copy options

JSON-LD Script Validation Check

With the breadcrumb schema generator, you can also check the validity of the JSON-LD script that you use to create the breadcrumb. To check the breadcrumb is also quite easy, you only need to press the check option contained in the preview section of the generated script.

When you press the button, you will be redirected to Google's Rich Result Test page. On that page, you can check if the breadcrumb script is working properly in Google search.


Figure 6: Breadcrumb schema markup validation check options

Reset Breadcrumb Schema Generator

This tool also provides options that make it easier for you to delete all the data that you have previously entered. You just need to select the "Reset" option and this tool will display a new field, so you can create another breadcrumb schema.


Figure 7: Data reset option added to breadcrumb schema generator.

That's a brief discussion about how to use the JSON-LD breadcrumb schema markup generator from cmlabs. These tools are easy to use and help you generate schema markup in a relatively short time. Try this tool now!

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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